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I created this site to educate people of all ages about suicide and depression. Every year, more than 800,000 individuals decide to take their own life. It's one of the leading causes of death worldwide and a lot of people aren't that educated about this topic. There's kids getting bullied everyday around the world. They get bullied for being who they want to be. I read a lot of stories about teens who committed suicide because they weren't like everyone else or they made one mistake which caused their classmates to look at them differently. In this world, you're expected to be/do a lot of things which is a lot to ask for a child who is still trying to figure out everything about themselves. Even when they do tell the world who they are, there's some people who won't approve. Most of the stories that I have read are about teens and children who committed suicide for being gay. They got made fun of to the point where they stopped fighting because they thought that they weren't good enough anymore. Even with love and support from their family members, it's the classmates that didn't support them. Constantly being called names and hearing that they shouldn't be alive. It doesn't matter if you like the same sex, want to be the opposite gender, or do something to the point where you get slut-shamed. No one should experience this type of hate. This leads to depression which can lead to suicide. That's when those people who bullied those kids finally understood that it wasn't a joke. Now they start to feel bad and wish that they could've said sorry. By going to schools and educating everyone, it can promote acceptance for one another and create a safe positive environment.

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